It's Coming From Inside the House: Kernelspace Fault Injection with KRF - William Woodruff

Описание к видео It's Coming From Inside the House: Kernelspace Fault Injection with KRF - William Woodruff

It's Coming From Inside the House: Kernelspace Fault Injection with KRF - William Woodruff, Trail of Bits

Fault injection (FI) has become an increasingly popular software testing method, with major players like Netflix, Microsoft, and Google using automated failures to test the end-to-end resiliency of their (geographically, functionally) distributed services.In this talk, William Woodruff presents a lower-level, vulnerability-first approach: by randomly inducing errors in the system calls made by (targeted) programs, fault injection can be used to discover incorrect and potentially dangerous assumptions. This talk will cover specific classes of dangerous assumptions and their potential for exploitation, all motivated by KRF, a kernelspace fault injector open-sourced by Trail of Bits.


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