José SALVAGGIO plein air painting 19 late afternoon

Описание к видео José SALVAGGIO plein air painting 19 late afternoon

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Peintre français d'origine Sicilienne, José SALVAGGIO réside en Haute-Marne. Après une carrière de musicien professionnel, il se consacre depuis 1990 à la peinture.
A French painter, originally from Siciy, José SALVAGGIO lives in Haute-Marne (France). After a career as a professional musician, he has devoted himself to the art of painting since 1990.
  / jose.salvaggio.5  

colors palette : titanium white, lemon yellow, orange-yellow, bright red, dark ultramarine blue, olive green, earth shadow, black ivory

Démo de peinture de José SALVAGGIO en plein air.
Demo painting José SALVAGGIO outside.

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