Wicca for Beginners - Where do I start?

Описание к видео Wicca for Beginners - Where do I start?

Wicca for Beginners - Where do I start? This is about where you start before you even start. This video is about the 3 things you need to do before you begin to start learning Wicca.

#wiccaforbeginners #mysticalwitchschool #wheretostartwicca

3 Vital Ingredients to Any Wiccan Practice FREE download -

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** DISCLAIMER: The content in this video is for educational purposes only and is not in any way to be construed as, or a replacement for, psychotherapy, legal counsel, financial advice/counsel or medical advice. You are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. I cannot guarantee that you will receive any physical, emotional or monetary results from actively participating in magick, personal development modalities or the implementation of any information that I may give.


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