What is urban sprawl?

Описание к видео What is urban sprawl?

Our society in the past 50 years has become more urbanized and cities have become an important role in how we live. However, as cities grow, so does its area. This often leads to the phenomenon called urban sprawl. As an urban planner myself, we often have the pressures to allow our urban centers to grow, but often find managing that growth is the difficult portion.

Growth is inevitable, especially where people want to live. So it's logical for growth to occur.
Urban sprawl is the growth of cities outwards, extending over a large geographical area that is often characterized by low density housing, single use zoning, increased dependence on the automobile, and land fragmentation. The reason why sprawl occurs is because of a rising population in urban areas and the need to accommodate a rising population and thriving urban economy. Sprawl contributes to growth but comes along with many consequences with it.

It is a challenge that planners will continue to face, however better awareness and newer planning practices, are slowing such phenomena in our world. In this video, I define and explain what urban sprawl is to me.

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