Lego Plane Crash | Lego SWAT - The Plane Robbery | Lego Plane Robbery | Best Lego Plane Videos

Описание к видео Lego Plane Crash | Lego SWAT - The Plane Robbery | Lego Plane Robbery | Best Lego Plane Videos

Lego Plane Crash | Lego SWAT - The Plane Robbery | Lego Plane Robbery

This is a compilation of my best lego plane videos.


Griphop - Kevin MacLeod
Downtown Metropolis Chase - Aaron Kenny
Barge - Gunnar Olsen
Hiding Your Reality - Kevin MacLeod
Hitman - Kevin MacLeod
Mechanolith - Kevin MacLeod
Lobby Time - Kevin MacLeod
Downtown Metropolis Chase - Aaron Kenny
Hey Sailor - Letter Box
Raging Streets – SefChol
Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeod
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Kevin MacLeod
Fond Memories - SYBS
Morning Mood - Grieg

Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Source: Artist:

sound effects:
Police wireless sound:    • Police wireless sound [ no copyright ]  

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