Best Way To Feed Honeybees During Dearth To Prevent Robbing

Описание к видео Best Way To Feed Honeybees During Dearth To Prevent Robbing

check out Joe May video on how to make these feeders. click below.    • Five Gallon bucket feeder  
click below to order Mated Italian queens, rapid feeders, pollen, 3 pound package bees, 5 frame Nucs, anything, and everything pertaining to Beekeeping.
Store# (706)971-2700
While in dearth ( A time of year where there is very little to no nectar flow, or pollen) robbing can be a big problem, feeding with hive top feeders, and entrance feeders can cause robbing. During this time its best to feed about 300 feet away from your hives. Bees will still eat without robbing, while building up the hive.


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