சென்ட் 15 ஆயிரம் தரமான செம்மண் நிலம் | Low budget Agriculture Land |Red Soil Farmland| 1502

Описание к видео சென்ட் 15 ஆயிரம் தரமான செம்மண் நிலம் | Low budget Agriculture Land |Red Soil Farmland| 1502

சென்ட் 15 ஆயிரம் தரமான செம்மண் நிலம் | Low budget Agriculture Land |Red Soil Farmland| 1502

#uzhavanaeulagam | #agricultureland #farmland #farmlandforsale #goatfarm #farmlandlowbudget #goatfarming #farminglife #தேனி #theni #dindigul #madurai #மதுரை #dindiguldistrict #dindigulrealestate #lowbudgetland #lowbudgetagriland #agrilandforsale #agriland #lowbudgetproperty #lowbudgetplot #RealEstateTamilNadu #AgricultureLandInvestment #விவசாயநிலம் #பண்ணைநிலம்

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🌾 Agriculture Land for Sale in Theni 🌾

Don't miss this opportunity to own agricultural land in Theni at a very low budget! Ideal for various farming activities, this land is perfect for those looking to invest in a versatile and well-located property.

Key Features:

📍 Location: Theni, Tamil Nadu
🚗 700m from Tar Road
🌱 Suitable for: Farming, Goat Farming, Cow Farming, Chicken Farming
✅ Ownership: Single owner, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transaction.
💰 Low Budget: Affordable pricing for those looking to invest in agriculture.

This land is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in starting or expanding their agricultural or livestock farming ventures in the Theni area

Don’t miss out on this affordable opportunity to own land in a prime location!

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நன்றி வணக்கம்...

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This content is only for general awareness and information.We dont deal with any of the listings directly or indirectly. This channel is not liable for any inaccuracy in this video.We are not responsible for your profit or loss relates to this video incurred by you.The information is collected from publicly available sources.Yet to be confirmed.We suggest you that please make a decision after getting the proper information and verification of the property.

Channel is not responsible for any exchange of information, money transfer, commodity exchange, commodity quality or commodity pricing between the seller and the buyer in this sale.

Uzhavanae Ulagam
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