Doin' Tyme (Alcatraz) | Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA OST

Описание к видео Doin' Tyme (Alcatraz) | Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA OST

Alcatraz was a Rush classic course for all three Rush games (though, the home ports never saw the Rush 2049 variant of Alcatraz). This course is based around the one from the first Rush game, only more complete. Additionally, this course has one of the game's most annoying locations for a collectible ever: above the water at a distance where only a ramp at the right speed and angle will enable you to get it. Regardless....this course's theme is a bit...okay. Not the best, but guess it could be worse. Reminds me a bit of Ape Escape's OST (the first game), but eh....I guess I don't mind it too much. It's just a bit too repetitive.


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