Kazmi Brothers Noha | Shimar Say Koi Sakin sa Ko Choranay Ayaa | Noha Bibi Sakina sa | Hussani Daira

Описание к видео Kazmi Brothers Noha | Shimar Say Koi Sakin sa Ko Choranay Ayaa | Noha Bibi Sakina sa | Hussani Daira

[ Shimar Say Koi Sakina saw Ko Choranay Ayaa ]

New Noha 2023_1445ھ

Hussani Daira Sakhi Moazzam Qalandar Rawalpindi Pakistan.
Salar syed Ali Inayait Kazmi Ul Mushadi.

#newnoha2023 #nohamuharram2023
Kazmi Brothers 110
Sallar Syed Aman Hassan Kazmi.

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