Explore BC: The Backyard Project

Описание к видео Explore BC: The Backyard Project

Instagram: @katcraats
Email: [email protected]
Website: katcraats.com

MUSIC BY: CMA - Don't Look Back

The Backyard Project 2016.

I will never be able to adequately express just how much I love this little paradise of ours. We are among the luckiest people in the world to live where we do. Watch, share, comment, do your thing.

A massive thanks to everyone that contributed to this project, whether standing in as little photo guinea pigs, contributing to the film making, giving feedback/criticism/suggestions on the narrative, or just simply offering support over the last many months of shooting and editing.

Narrative: Everyone defines the word “home” a little differently. Home may be a town, an address, a view. It may be the feeling you get when you finally lay in bed after a long day. It may be the house you grew up in, and the friends that were always there. Home to me has always been more of a place of mind than a place of being. Home is that feeling when you know you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, doing what you’re meant to be doing, surrounded by the people you’re meant to be with. I’ve decided to explore the elements of home in what I call, The Backyard Project.
When you were a kid it was easy to get lost exploring all the cracks and crevasses of home. That was back when you felt most free. Nowadays I find that we all feel a little lost. But maybe getting lost is the only way to be found.

Everyone always says there’s just no place like home. I think anyone from around here will tell you the same.

Welcome to a world of tall trees, rocky skylines and endless waters. A world where nature is not so far apart from who we are. Where tranquility rubs shoulders with excitement and to be “normal” is to be different.

This is our backyard. This is Vancouver Island.

Shot on Panasonic GH4, Canon 6D and GoPro Hero 3+ Silver. Edited with Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.


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