MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition

Описание к видео MUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exhibition

Promenade 00:00
Gnomus 01:31
Promenade 04:35
The Old Castle 05:42
Promenade 10:58
Tuileries 11:29
Bydlo 13:12
Promenade 16:51
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks 17:45
Samuel Goldberg & Schmuyle 19:33
Limoges - The Market Square (The Big News) 22:00
Catacombs (Sepulcrum Romanum) 23:45
Con Mortuis in Lingua Mortua 26:25
The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba-Yaga) 29:22
The Bogatyr Gate (at Kiev, the Ancient Capital) 33:19

Turin, April 8th, 1977
Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI
Vladimir Delman, conductor


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