XV2 - Requested (PC): Vegetto SSJ2/SSJ3/SNS vs Old Broly LSSJ/Super Bu (Gohan) FP/Super Janemba FP

Описание к видео XV2 - Requested (PC): Vegetto SSJ2/SSJ3/SNS vs Old Broly LSSJ/Super Bu (Gohan) FP/Super Janemba FP

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  / shukakussj  

Incontro su richiesta di Gonzalo Agustin! Mod di

Vegetto SSJ2 = Shukakussj + Revamp Team (hair)
Vegetto SSJ3 = 4 - Star Modders + Shukakussj
Vegetto SNS = Spire64 + Shukakussj
Old Broly = Sachezo + yeezygod + Shukakussj
Bu = Dukke Monterier + free天龙王道 + Shukakussj
Janemba = Shukakussj
Mappa = Mastaklo


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