Role of chemicals used in DNA isolation

Описание к видео Role of chemicals used in DNA isolation

The most common technique in basic molecular biology, biotechnology and plant breeding research is DNA isolation. Most of us might be performing it daily but lack insight about the role of chemicals used in the protocol. This video will help people to get the knowledge and also students to get answers for examinations 😃 hope you guys find it helpful and my approach to spread the appropriate information fulfills. Share this video and subscribe to @ampliconsofbiotech for more videos.
chemicals listed below
2. Tris
3. Nacl
4. Beta mercaptoethnol
6. PVP
7. Phenol
8. Chloroform
9. Isoamyl alcohol
10. Sodium acetate
11. Ethanol
12. Isopropanol
13. TE buffer MGW


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