甄子丹千金甄濟如閉幕獻唱 Grand finale performance by Jasmine Yen

Описание к видео 甄子丹千金甄濟如閉幕獻唱 Grand finale performance by Jasmine Yen

甄濟如小姐於本會以《Winter Wonderland》為主題的慈善晚宴閉幕獻唱「Greatest Love of All」,為香港、鄰近地區及全球面對災難的兒童籌款。振奮人心的歌聲為活動畫上完美句號。

Donnie’s daughter, Jasmine Yen, joined Save the Children at our “Annual Gala Dinner at Winter Wonderland”, raising money to help support children in need in Hong Kong, across the region, and around the world. Jasmine closed the evening with a breathtaking grand finale performance of “Greatest Love of All”.


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