S.Lyudkevych - Trio "Nocturne".Ukrainian Live Tour 2019

Описание к видео S.Lyudkevych - Trio "Nocturne".Ukrainian Live Tour 2019

Collegium Management and Lviv Organ Hall

Ukrainian Live: Forgotten Ukrainian Classics
— know, listen and love Ukrainian live.

A rich playlist of selected music the Ukrainian Live team had been gathering through archives for two years. The "Return of Ukrainian Classical Music" tour is an exciting tale about myths, time, passion, and Galicia.
10 composers who lived and created musical culture at the break of eras were chosen from over 1,000 Ukrainian composers. Their creations are tender and romantic, tragic and wistful, wild and meditative and they are combined into a unique selection with emphasis on Time, Passion and Myths.

Time multiplied by speed is distance. A bridge between past and present.
Sydir Vorobkevych is an early professional Galician composer. His "Fantasy" for the piano begins the musical journey of the Ukrainian Live Tour. Being a self-taught man, he is uniquely significant for Ukrainian musical history. Traditions of Liszt can be traced in the works by Vorobkevych with a rhapsodic form and a narrative expression of the musical thought.
Stanyslav Lyudkevych is a centennial classic of Ukrainian art. It's hard to imagine the XX century Lviv without him. He brings us into the realm of observance, melody and dreams.

The heart is quickening its pace and blood pressure is up to the limit.
Late romanticism of Nestor Nyzhankivsky is a cluster of emotions and rich colors, from deep lyrics to powerful drama.
Zynoviy Lysko was just as passionate. His work is a part of our culture and he is remembered for bold experiments with musical language and form in the best trends of the newcomers Berg and Webern and the ramified rhythmic structure, which when combined create an unforgettable feeling of playing with time and space.

Two tragic stories of two artists from Galicia.
At the concert you will hear two miniatures for the piano written by Borys Kudryk, an artist with a tragic fate destroyed by the totalitarian regime. Despite all of that, Kudryk remained an optimist till his last days and his work shines with love for life. Vasyl Barvinskyi went through a thorny path from being the Head of the Lviv Academy of Music to a prisoner in the concentration camps of the totalitarian regime. His works were burnt in the inner yard of the Academy and now the whole world is searching for his lost manuscripts to restore historic justice. It so happened that both he and Borys Kudryk were imprisoned in neighboring camps. However, only Barvinskyi got exonerated while still being alive. He managed to bring several miniatures by Kudryk back to Ukraine, but numerous piano sonatas the composer was so famous for were lost forever.

The Ukrainian Live team puts in a lot of effort so that classical music can be enjoyed by as many people as possible and so that Ukrainian know and value their national cultural heritage.

Проект реалізовується за підтрикми Український культурний фонд
Тільки вслухайтесь в цей дуже щирий та надзвичйно ліричний твір!
Відтепер ще одна перлина української музики стане доступнішою для всіх!

Адріан Боднар - скрипка
Сергій Коров'яцький - віолончель
Дмитро Микитин - фортепіано (Dima Mykytyn)
Звукорежисер-акустик - Іван Огар (Іван Огар)
Директор проекту - Тарас Демко (Taras Demko)
Запис наживо 15.09.2019
Львівський органний зал


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