Moog subharmonicon

Описание к видео Moog subharmonicon

I prefer to use the trigger on my Subharmonicon instead of letting it run on its own is because I can have better control on how I want the notes placed during the process. For this jam my idea is to play as much as possible and then let Habit and Cosmos take over, collecting whatever memories of notes it chooses. So there is two process in this jam, one is to control and then the second part is to relinquish control and let the music go wherever it wants to go. This is why I love the Habit and Cosmos pedal so much.

I feel like this is quite similar to living. I do my part , the way it feels good to me even with imperfections and then I surrender the rest…

Thank you for watching and may you have a blessed and smooth week ahead.🙏🏽🤍


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