The Architecture of Love in New York City

Описание к видео The Architecture of Love in New York City

On July 27th 2016, I was invited to talk at the Twitter HQ in New York about Poll Story, a project I did with Twitter Indonesia, where I used Twitter and its poll feature to develop a fiction series, which now has been published as a novel entitled The Architecture of Love. I believe a writer can use whatever medium available to him/her to write, and I have explored using Twitter as a medium to deliver a story before through Twivortiare and Twivortiare 2. But this Poll Story project was particularly challenging for me as I was doing something I never did before: writing a series with a deadline, using a third POV, and involving the readers in plot development using the poll. Poll Story is a project that I'm really happy about and proud of, as it has blossomed more than I could imagine: from poll story to a novel and soon to a feature film, as the movie adaptation rights have been purchased by Soraya Intercine Films. I hope you enjoyed the book and the experience as much as I did!


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