Maximum Late cultivation of Autumn Maize || Crop Reformer

Описание к видео Maximum Late cultivation of Autumn Maize || Crop Reformer

In this video, proper time of Autumn maize cultivation is highlighted. Moreover, some other major features of corn cultivation are also suggested. Sowing time plays a major role in maize production technology. Sowing time is getting more and more importance with the passage of time as climate conditions are changing on higher pace. Fertilizer prices are also going up. So, there is a need to know the actual time of sowing in order to resist different problems like diseases, damages due to weather and climate conditions. A healthy start of crop is key to success for better growth and development of maize crop.
Production technologies of crops are changing on a fast pace with the changing climate and weather conditions. Temperature is rising with the passage of time. We can not cultivate crops according to old conventional timelines and fertilizer plans. There is a need to modernize the production technologies. A timely sown crop which will be given proper fertilizers like dap fertilizer (diammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate fertilizer), sop (sulphate of potash, sulphate of potash, potassium sulphate fertilizer, sulfate of potash fertilizer) and also the major quantity of urea, will be able to get record production rate if weather becomes favorable. Weather forecast also plays a vital role for growth and development of plants.



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