狠人:胡春华7(民生下)Ruthless Figure: Hu Chunhua 7 (Livelihood)

Описание к видео 狠人:胡春华7(民生下)Ruthless Figure: Hu Chunhua 7 (Livelihood)

   / @duwen2024  
胡春华曾对身边工作人员说过,中国现在的最大的短板,未来十年的工作重心是法制建设,也就是着力解决社会公平和正义的问题。而下一个十年甚至更长时间将是民生,因为民生问题是社会主义制度的根本问题。而我们的工作重点是,既要加强法制建设,更要着力抓民生建设,我们内蒙古需要把法制和民生这两项工作做在前头。 所以记得他在2010年的全区两会上的闭幕讲话时,就新一年的工作重点问题,他提了几条:第一条居然是加强法制建设,提高立法质量和执法水平问题。这在当时还是绝无仅有的。我想,这就是他的政治路线和方法论,是受到胡锦涛认可或者干脆就是胡锦涛提出来的中国的发展方向和路径问题。当然这也是胡锦涛之所以将他指定为隔代接班人的公开原因所在,因为她的政治路线既中国的未来路线。就是说他的个人执政风格必须要符合中国的政治需求。只有他的个人执政风格符合中国的政治需求了,那么他才可能被确定为储君,未来的接班人。
Ruthless Figure: Hu Chunhua 7 (Livelihood)

When talking about Hu Chunhua, I focus on the key points, highlighting his uniqueness, political stance, and tactics. Hu Chunhua once mentioned to his staff that China's biggest shortfall currently and the focus for the next decade should be on the construction of the legal system, aiming to address issues of social fairness and justice. The following decade, and perhaps even longer, would center on livelihood issues, as these are fundamental to the socialist system. Therefore, our primary tasks are to strengthen the legal system and to focus on livelihood construction. In Inner Mongolia, we need to prioritize these two areas.

In his closing speech at the 2010 regional conference, Hu Chunhua listed several key areas for the coming year's work. The first point was to strengthen the legal system and improve the quality of legislation and law enforcement, which was unprecedented at the time. This reflects his political line and methodology, likely endorsed or proposed by Hu Jintao as China's developmental direction and path. This is also the public reason why Hu Jintao designated him as a successor, because his political route aligns with China's future path. His personal governing style must meet China's political needs to be recognized as a future leader.

Ren Yaping once said, "We're all in this together, so let's not use the people as an excuse. What are the people? They are whatever you say they are. Remember, never take the people seriously. If you do, you're not far from death." I was shocked to hear this. How could someone have such a reactionary logic? After entering prison, in the ward for officials, we discussed this issue. One director shared a memorable view. He said that when he was a town party secretary, a respected village party secretary told him, "Never regard the people as human. Never treat them well. When you treat them well and give them benefits, they might bite your hand." Based on his experience, the better you treat the people, the more complaints they have. Whoever treats the people well gets reported by them. In the eyes of the people, there's no good official. It's better to be outright bad. You shouldn't make them respect you; you should make them fear you. Only when they fear you is your position secure. To make them fear you, you need to be ruthless and retaliatory. When they believe you have no bottom line, they won't dare to oppose you, and your position will be stable.

Hu Chunhua remained silent for a long time before picking up a pencil and adding a zero to the "20%" on a piece of paper, turning it into "200%." Yes, you guessed it right, 200%. How ruthless is that?


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