JobsDB Chill and Learn - Son姐 x MM職場上位精讀班

Описание к видео JobsDB Chill and Learn - Son姐 x MM職場上位精讀班

Chill & Learn 特備活動:同 職場慧眼 - 張慧敏 Son姐、 MM - Mill MILK 一齊 Happy Hour 學上位!

今次 Son姐會同埋 Mill MILK 主持 ChuckyC 現身教大家職場上位嘅秘技,同埋點樣處理與上司溝通嘅問題,想事業更上一層樓嘅朋友唔好錯過!

To climb the career ladder, you may probably need a combination of relevant hard and soft skills. JobsDB levels up the “Chill & Learn” event from industry-focus hard skills sharing to soft skills coached by the recruitment KOL Alison Chang!

Topic: “Climbing the Career Ladder: Insider Tips for Success”
Guest Speakers:
Alison Chang, Managing Director of COREsearch Group Limited
Chucky Chan, Anchor from Mill MILK


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