Neil Alexander // What it takes to be a goalkeeper during pre-season

Описание к видео Neil Alexander // What it takes to be a goalkeeper during pre-season

Our head of goalkeeping Neil Alexander has done it all as a player in his 26-year long career. 

An international, league titles and European finals all came along whilst he was between the sticks but getting to that level of fitness is harder than some might think.

Often misconceived, a pre-season for a goalkeeper can range from general cardio work that outfield players do to specified goalkeeping drills that involve precise movement.

But the end goal is the same, to maximise performance of the players when it comes to a match day.

Alexander talks us through how the training has changed with the advancement of sports science, the adaptability that is required as a coach to meet the needs of each keeper in his jurisdiction and where our goalkeepers are at in terms of their own individual goals for the season ahead.


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