[WR] Wii Sports All Platinum Medals Speedrun in

Описание к видео [WR] Wii Sports All Platinum Medals Speedrun in

Thank you Lord for this insane run! It wasn't the first 15/15, heck it wasn't even 15/15 at all, but it was the first sub 30, and I'm absolutely STUNNED!!! Putting was a massive bummer, but everything else in this run was nearly flawless. Power Throws fast plat went perfectly, I got bufferless dodging, and when it mattered most at the very end, I clutched up! I'm not sure if this is the end of my platinum medal journey, but I do know that I GOT SUB 30, FISHES!!!

I got this record live on Twitch, so follow me there!   / rymacg4  


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