Mitsubishi RTToolbox3 palletizing demo

Описание к видео Mitsubishi RTToolbox3 palletizing demo

Quick demo video of the palletizing routine as done on a Mitsubishi RH arm in the RT Toolbox simulator. The box being picked up is linked to output 900, which is what the HOPEN 1 command functionally uses.

Actual program logic:
10 TOOl 1 'how I handled the change between simulated gripper states
20 m1 = 1
30 DEF PLT 1, PQ1, PQ2, PQ3,, 4,3,1
40 *loop
50 MOv P1clear
60 MVs P1above
70 MVs p1
80 TOOl 2 'how I handled the change between simulated gripper states
90 HCLOSe 1
100 DLY .2
110 MVs p1above
120 MVs p2_clr
130 place = PLT 1, M1
140 MVs place, 85
150 MVs place
160 DLy 0.2
170 HOPEN 1
180 TOOl 1 'how I handled the change between simulated gripper states
190 MVs place, 10
200 MVs p2_clr
210 M1 = M1 + 1
220 If M1 ≤ 12 THEn *loop ' you will need to convert ≤ to separate symbols in actual program
230 HLt
240 end


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