Koit / Dawn (Night Song Festival '08)

Описание к видео Koit / Dawn (Night Song Festival '08)

"Koit" (Dawn)

19 August 2008, Tallinn, Estonia.

Performed by Tõnis Mägi with more than 6,000 choir singers and a symphony orchestra, in front of an audience of more than 100,000 people.

About the event:
To celebrate the 20 years that have passed since the first night song festivals in Estonia, a song night "Märkamisaeg" (Time to Notice) took place. "Märkamisaeg" was one of the main events of the programme of the 90th Anniversary of Estonian Republic. The 6 hours long concert began at 9pm and lasted until early morning.

About the performer:
Tõnis Mägi is an Estonian singer and songwriter who has been probably the most influential and remarkable name in the Estonian rock music for the past 40 years. In the years of the Estonian "Singing Revolution" he was one of the most prominent singers with his song "Koit" (Dawn) achieving anthem status.

Lyrics (and my quick translation):

On jälle aeg selg sirgu lüüa
(Again it's time to stand up straight)
ja heita endalt orjarüü,
(And cast off our shackles)
et loomishoos kõik loodu
(That everything once created)
koos võiks sündida uuesti.
(Could together be born again)

On koit, kuninglik loit,
(It's dawn, a majestic blaze)
valguse võit äratab maa.
(Victory of the light awakes the land)
Prii on taevapiir, esimene kiir
(Free is the horizon, and the first ray)
langemas on maale.
(Will soon touch the land)

Hõik - murrame kõik,
(A call to break down it all)
et vabana saaks hingata taas.
(That we could freely breathe again)
Näe - on murdunud jää
(See, the ice has broken)
ulatagem käed, ühendagem väed.
(Let's join our hands, our forces)

Nõul, ühisel nõul,
(With wisdom, collective wisdom)
ühisel jõul, me suudame kõik.
(with collective might, we can do it all)
Ees on ainus tee, vabaduse tee
(Ahead is the only road, the road to freedom)
teist ei olla saagi.
(There can be no other)

Võim, valguse võim
(The might, the power of light)
priiuse hõim, läheme koos
(The people of freedom, let's go together)
huulil rõõmuhüüd
(With a joyful cry on our lips)
Näe, on kaljust käe kätte saanud hiid.
(See, the giant has freed himself)

Usk edasi viib, taevane kiir
(Faith leads us onward, and a heavenly beam)
saatmas on meid
(Accompanies us)
Nii - on võiduni jäänud veel üks samm
(So there's only one step to victory)
lühike samm, samm
(A short, short step)

Maa, isademaa, on püha see maa,
(It's the land, our sacred fatherland)
mis vabaks nüüd saab
(That now will be free)
Laul, me võidulaul, kõlama see jääb
(The song, our song of victory, will continue)
peagi vaba Eestit näed!
(And soon you'll see Estonia free!)


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