Quick look at my Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium

Описание к видео Quick look at my Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium

Just a quick look at a radio recently aquired, the renowned Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium. Much has been said about these radios and they have certainly polarised the shortwave fraternity with endless discussion on the various quality shortcomings that have manifest themselves. Suffice to say, should you get one, make sure all functions work accordingly. QC issues like wobbling tuning knob and the LISB display are, in my opinion, minor. Do run the radio off a quality linear power supply to avoid extraneous noise as the original switch mode effort is next to useless. Having said all the above, the radio is an excellent performer with good audio. A definite keeper!
Thanks for watching. Good DX....... Phil


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