The First God & the Primordial Father of the Gods - Norse Mythology

Описание к видео The First God & the Primordial Father of the Gods - Norse Mythology

To tell the story of Buri is to tell of how the universe came to be in Norse mythology. In this, he plays but a small part, though one of paramount importance, to be sure. He was the first god to draw breath in all of Norse mythology, grand-father to Odin, who it was that created the world.

In the beginning there was only Ginnungagap, the great void, something similar to the Waters of Nun in Egyptian mythology or to Chaos in Greek mythology. It was the empty space that presupposed creation. Next there was Niphlheim and Muspelheim. Niphlheim was a realm of ice and dark in the North, and Muspelheim was a realm of fire and light in the south. Both were equally desolate and inhospitable. Niflheim abounded with poisonous water, the bubbling of springs and roaring of rivers, and Muspelheim was a land closed off to those not born there; only those native to it could endure its burning terrain and choking air. Surtr, the black one, ruled over Muspelheim. He wields a great flaming sword; and come Ragnarok, the gods will be laid low and the world set ablaze. Eventually, the poisonous waters of the north flowed down into the void. Here’s the passage:

“High replied, ‘When those rivers, which are called Elivagar [Storm Waves], came so far from their source, the poisonous flow hardened like a slag of cinders running from a furnace, and became ice. When this ice began to solidify and no longer ran, poisonous drops spewed out and froze into ice rime [hoar-frost]. Then layer by layer, the ice grew within Ginnungagap.’ Then just-as-High said, That part of Ginnungagap, which reached into the northern regions, became filled with this ice and rime. Inside the gap there was mist and wind-whipped rain. But the southern part of Ginnungagap grew light because of sparks and glowing embers flowing from Muspelheim.”

Watch the video for the rest!


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