面白い関係のアピとリキ Curious liaison Api & Riki オランウータン 多摩動物公園

Описание к видео 面白い関係のアピとリキ Curious liaison Api & Riki オランウータン 多摩動物公園

Recorded on March 16 2020


Member Chappy 46 female, Riki 7 male, Api 5 male

It was morning hours of Chappy, Api and Riki. As soon as Api and Riki came out, their body movement was something laughable. Then Api goes to get Chappy's milk. Api is behaving like a teenager at one moment, then become as if he is a baby. It is always interesting to watch these two boys. Some scenes may be seen as sexual behavior, those who feels discomfort watching that kind of scene, please avoid watching this video.

Tama Zoological Park    Tokyo, Japan


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