Crystal Roots

Описание к видео Crystal Roots

Inspired by Nordic goddesses of snow and the three Chinese “friends of winter,” Crystal Roots celebrates steadfastness, tenacity, and resilience during the autumnal transition into hibernation. What can we learn from the lore of winter? From the hearty plum, bamboo, and pine? What does it mean to survive, thrive, and transform in the cocoon of winter?

Choreographed by Courtney Liu

Music Credit: “Winter Wonderland” by Hans Johnson, “Winter” by ANBR, “Winter” by Jon Gegelman

Costume Designer: Heidi Jo Schiemer & Courtney Liu

Lighting Designer: Alicia Varcoe

Dancers: Lilly Beaver, Hannah Burnett, Sophie David, Hannah Giessler, Mia Johnson, Katey O’Connell, Emma Stenger

Understudies: Brooke Goldstein, Camryn Lowry


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