python change log level

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certainly! below is an informative tutorial on how to change the log level in python using the built-in logging module with code examples:
logging is a crucial aspect of software development, helping developers to understand the behavior of their programs during execution. python provides a powerful and flexible logging module, logging, which allows developers to log messages of varying severity levels. in this tutorial, we'll explore how to change the log level dynamically in a python application.
to follow along with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of python programming and be familiar with the concept of logging.
firstly, let's set up a basic logging configuration in our python script:
here, we're configuring the root logger to log messages at the debug level. you can replace debug with any other logging level according to your requirements (info, warning, error, critical).
to change the log level dynamically during runtime, you can use the setlevel() method of a logger object. let's see how to do this:
in the above code snippet, we obtained the root logger using getlogger() and then set its log level to info. this means that only messages with severity level info or higher will be logged.
let's put everything together in a simple example:
in this example, we log messages at various severity levels, then after a delay of 2 seconds, we change the log level to info. as a result, only messages with severity level info or higher are logged after the level change.
changing log levels dynamically in a python application can be useful for controlling the verbosity of logging output based on different conditions or requirements. with the logging module, python provides a flexible and powerful logging framework that can be easily configured and customized to suit your application's needs.
this tutorial should provide you with a good understanding of how to change log levels dynamically in python using the logging module. feel free to experiment furthe ...

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