Megger TORKEL 900 Series: How to Run A Battery Discharge Test

Описание к видео Megger TORKEL 900 Series: How to Run A Battery Discharge Test

This video describes how to run a test using the TORKEL9xx GUI. The TORKEL9xx is controlled through the graphic user interface (GUI) on the instrument. The TORKEL 900 is the fourth generation in the series of Megger’s trusted battery discharge test systems. Discharge testing is the only test method that provides a comprehensive insight into battery capacity, and is therefore an essential part of vigorous battery maintenance programs.

Tests can be conducted at constant current, constant power, constant resistance or in accordance with a pre-selected load profile. Together with the cell voltage logger, BVM, now connected directly to the TORKEL 900, it becomes a complete stand-alone discharge test system.The test setup involves connecting the TORKEL to the battery string. BVMs can be connected as well for individual cell voltage measurement. After entering information about the battery string and setting test parameters and limits, the discharge test is started from the TORKEL GUI. The GUI shows real time data in the form of overall battery voltage graphs and bar graphs for individual cell voltages. A summary of the test data is displayed once the test ends.

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