TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF

Описание к видео TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF

http://tinyurl.com/Tao-of-Badass-Guide TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF

TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF
As guys, we think about a lot of things: The idiot that cut us off in traffic... what time tonight's game starts... or what band is playing this weekend -- and we don't focus on the person or situation right in front of us. We tend to be "up in our head," or nervous, thinking about what has or might happen -- or what an attractive woman might think of us. This mental chatter prevents you from being truly focused on the person or conversation at hand. For women it's called being "present," and it's absolutely HUGE.

TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF
A female friend of mine said: "Being present is EVERYTHING." This means you're truly engaged in a conversation, contributing and giving genuine feedback. You aren't nodding like a bobble head doll, or mindlessly saying "uh-huh" or "yeah" every so often. Women aren't fooled at all when you do this. You'll appear lazy or apathetic, and she definitely won't think you're a badass.

TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF
Like anything, you'll have to put in time and effort to develop this skill -- but the payoff in better business and personal relationships is HUGE. It's the social equivalent of hitting a million-dollar jackpot in Vegas.

TAO OF BADASS GOLDFISH | TAO OF BADASS Audiobook Download & Attraction Blueprint PDF
Conversation is just one of the skills needed to be a Badass with women. If you try to learn these skills and attitudes on your own without any guidance, you're in for a long, ego-bruising journey (like I went through). Don't try and "re-invent the wheel" when it comes to your social life. I don't believe in gimmicks, games or PUA tricks (which always fail in the long-run). I do believe in good, solid information that can help you become the rare man who can attract -- and keep -- a quality woman in your life. Check out the Tao of Badass book and members area, and give yourself the well-deserved gift of great relationships with the opposite sex.

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