
Описание к видео 4k60p世界遺產(中國山西五台山)文殊菩萨的道场,五台山在華北屋脊之上的山峰群,五座山峰,東臺望海峰、南台錦銹峰、中台翠岩峰、西台挂月峰、北台葉斗峰,頂無林木而平坦寬闊,猶如疊土之台,故而得名。

五台山(Mount Wutai)地处山西省忻州市五台县境内东北部,国家地质公园、国家自然与文化双重遗产、中华十大名山之一,中国佛教四大名山之一,世界五大佛教圣地之一。
五台山是文殊菩萨的道场 是中国唯一一个青庙黄庙交相辉映的佛教道场。也是一个融自然风光、历史文物、古建艺术、佛教文化、民谷风情、避暑休养为一体的旅游风景区。现存寺院47处,台内39处,台外8处,其中多敕建寺院,多朝皇帝前来参拜。著名的有:显通寺、塔院寺、菩萨顶、南山寺、黛螺顶、广济寺、万佛阁等。Mount Wutai is located in the northeast of Wutai County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province. It is a national geological park, a national natural and cultural heritage, one of the top ten famous mountains in China, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, and one of the five holy places of Buddhism in the world. .
With Taihuai Town as the center, there are five peaks in the east, west, south, north and middle, which are higher than the clouds, and there are no trees on the top of the mountain. Ye Doufeng, the highest point in Beitai, is known as the "Roof of North China".
Mount Wutai is the dojo of Manjushri, and it is the only Buddhist dojo in China where the green and yellow temples complement each other. It is also a tourist scenic spot that integrates natural scenery, historical relics, ancient architectural art, Buddhist culture, folk valley customs, and summer recuperation. There are 47 existing temples, 39 in Taiwan and 8 outside Taiwan. Many of them were built by imperial orders, and emperors of many dynasties came to pay homage. The famous ones are: Xiantong Temple, Tayuan Temple, Bodhisattva Ding, Nanshan Temple, Dailuo Ding, Guangji Temple, Wanfo Pavilion, etc.


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