in the dark | pandora hearts

Описание к видео in the dark | pandora hearts


Been planning this vid for a few weeks and decided to do it. This was by far one of the most fun and exciting vids I've done in a long while and I enjoyed every second of making it. Of course, some of my progress was hindered because the last three days have been spent in the hospital since my mom was being admitted, and then taking care of the house while she was gone + catching up on a massive lack of sleep, so the ending is kind of rushed and I apologize for that. X___X

I wanted to focus on a lot of the major characters in Pandora Hearts, and hoped to give everyone a part though eventually it just melted down to those who have the most impact in the story overall. I think I got them at least once or at least one line. Of course, there are some characters that appear in this more than others because the lines just seemed to fit them more.

Ultimately, I included Jack, Glen/Oswald, Lacie, Oz, Alice, Alyss, Gilbert, Vincent, Break, Sharon, Ada, Rufus and Arthur Barma, and Elliot and Leo. I also sometimes included them in pairs because the lyrics related. Basically, I just wanted to show a lot of the characters' dark sides or intentions. All of them have been tainted in one way or another, either by another character or by something that's happened to them or their own choices.

Jack - his desire to destroy the world to send it to Lacie/manipulating Alice, Alyss, Gilbert, Vincent, Oz and Oswald to do it, the backwards cycle of his broken body from being forsaken by the Abyss.

Glen/Oswald - His duty as Glen, and his guilt over sending Lacie to the Abyss + stop Jack no matter what the cost.

Lacie - Her fate of being sent to the Abyss, her cursed red eyes and status as a Child of Misfortune.

Oz - His sin of being B-Rabbit and causing the Tragedy.

Gilbert - What he was willing to sacrifice of himself to save Oz from the Abyss and the contract with Raven (both), and coming to terms with his true identity and loyalty.

Alice - Her recovered memories, disappearance, death and hatred towards Jack.

Alyss - Being the Will of the Abyss and her wish to not be.

Vincent: His condemnation for being a Child of Misfortune, growing feelings for Ada (even if they might be twisted and dark hahahaha), being the true Headhunter.

Break - His duty to Sharon, and the promise he made to fulfill Alyss's wish.

Sharon - Her desire to protect Break and not let him carry the burden on his own anymore and be strong herself.

Elliot - The truth of him being the Headhunter + sacrifice.

Leo - The acceptance of the other Glen's to save Elliot, and then acceptance to become one himself.

Ada - Her feelings changing Vincent. Her very existence seeming to deter what he really is.

Rufus Barma - His allegiance with the Baskervilles.

Arthur Barma - Knowing the truth about Jack Vessalius and writing those secrets.

Pretty much the darkest or burdening things each of them has faced, I think you'll all probably get it even if you don't read PH. xD

Song: My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (light 'em up)
Artist: Fallout Boy
Manga: Pandora Hearts
Program: Sony Vegas 11.0


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