Let’s recreate Notion in Ruby on Rails - Episode 1 - Creating Pages

Описание к видео Let’s recreate Notion in Ruby on Rails - Episode 1 - Creating Pages

Want to pair with me as I create a new Ruby on Rails application to recreate the fabulous Notion note-taking tool? In episode one we start with Jumpstart Pro, create the Page scaffold, then delete most of it, and paste in some HTML I prepared beforehand. We write some rspec tests. We talk about my hopes and dreams for 2022 text editors for all Ruby on Rails applications. We laugh, we blame you once or twice, and we do it all in less than 1 hour*


Notion https://www.notion.so/
Tip Tap https://tiptap.dev/
Jumpstart Pro https://jumpstartrails.com/
Tailwind CSS recreation of Notion https://play.tailwindcss.com/4f10sFjJ07
acts_as_list gem https://github.com/brendon/acts_as_list

Things I learned:

Descript won't let me export video if it's longer than 1 hour. So, I can promise all episodes will be less than 60 minutes.


00:00 Welcome
02:46 Let's recreate Notion
04:26 Jumpstart Pro
10:02 Creating page scaffolding
17:20 Reviewing the generated code
26:39 bundle add acts_as_list
33:19 Git hooks with Overcommit
36:21 Rails controller and view
39:36 Slugs for untitled pages
45:42 Copy in the static HTML
46:22 Move Jumpstart Pro navbar
50:01 Page titles in sidebar
53:20 Fixing existing tests
57:53 And for the next episode


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