Swing-up and balancing control of an inverted pendulum mechanism

Описание к видео Swing-up and balancing control of an inverted pendulum mechanism

This video presents swing-up and balancing control for a pole-on-cart mechanism (inverted pendulum configuration).

The swing-up of the system from the stable downward position to the unstable upright position is accomplished by an energy-based controller, which takes into account the finite length of the cart travel along the linear guide.

A linear state feedback controller, designed using LQR techniques, is employed for balancing the pole at the unstable upright position.

The controllers have been developed as a Simulink block, running under the WinCon real-time extension at a 1kHz rate.

The pole-on-cart mechanism was developed by K. Mouratis, as part of his undergraduate final year project (2013).

Control Systems Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Dept.
Technological Educational Institute of Crete
Heraklion, Greece.


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