Get UPSIDE App "Recap" Pro's and Con's

Описание к видео Get UPSIDE App "Recap" Pro's and Con's

Our thoughts on the Get Upside (Upside) app after using it for a couple months, this. Some of this might surprise you.
Help support this channel by using this link to make any purchases from Amazon with NO ADDED cost to you, thanks for your support.
If you play Pickleball and are looking for a Selkirk paddle I have a code to save you some money. If you use code ADV-DKERSEY when placing your order at
Orders from $50-$100 will receive a $10 digital gift card.
Orders from $101-$200 will receive a $20 digital gift card.
Orders from $201-$300 will receive a $30 digital gift card.
Orders over $300 will receive a $40 digital gift card
Orders over $500 will receive a $50 gift card
Orders over $750 will receive a $80 gift card
Orders over $1,000 will receive a $100 gift card
Orders over $1,500 will receive a $150 gift card
Orders over $2,000 will receive a $200 gift card
And in return we will get a small reward which in turn will help our channel. Feel free to share that code with friends.
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Or you can,
#upside, #getupside #fuelsavings, Upside


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