What does bitter wood do to the body?

Описание к видео What does bitter wood do to the body?

Quassia amara, also known as amargo, bitter-ash, bitter-wood, or hombre grande is a species in the genus Quassia, with some botanists treating it as the sole species in the genus. The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus who named it after the first botanist to describe it: the Surinamese freedman Graman Quassi

What is Bitter Wood good for?
Quassia is a plant. The wood is used as medicine. Quassia is used for treating an eating disorder called anorexia, indigestion, constipation, and fever. It is also used to rid the intestines of various kinds of worms; as a tonic or purgative; and as a mouthwash.

How do you use Jamaican Bitter Wood?
The wood of quassia plant is used as a tonic for stomach problems. Take a cup made of quassia wood and fill it with water. Leave this water overnight. It becomes a good bitter tonic for the stomach and provides relief in dysentery and infections.

What does bitter wood do to the body?
The wood is used as medicine. Quassia is used for treating an eating disorder called anorexia, indigestion, constipation, and fever. It is also used to rid the intestines of various kinds of worms; as a tonic or purgative; and as a mouthwash. Some people apply quassia directly to the scalp for lice.


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