Neville Johnson (7/11) Spiritual Authority - Friday 7pm, 2 November 2012, Sheffield, UK

Описание к видео Neville Johnson (7/11) Spiritual Authority - Friday 7pm, 2 November 2012, Sheffield, UK,
You were created for rulership, know your authority in Christ! You can speak to things and they will obey! Words are very powerful, EVERY word you speak carries a colour, a sound, a smell... you leave a trail behind you wherever you go - for good or for bad - demons and angels equally see it! Your circumstances are created by yourself, by the words you speak and the thoughts you think! There's going to be an accusation of the brethren but don't let it throw you and don't try to defend yourself, let God do it! He will restore everything that the enemy has stolen from us! Be a bondservant! Scriptures mentioned: Ps.115:15-16, Gen.1:26-28, Rom.6:16, Josh.24:27, Deut.32:1, Lk.19:40, Gen.11:6-7, Rom.8:19-20, Rev.4:6, Ez.28:13, Jam.5:12, Phil.4:8-9, Ps.34:13, Prov.12:18; 21:23, Rom.1:1, Rev.7:1-3, Eccl.5:4-5


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