Cleanse Your Space | Clear Negative Energy + Sick Building Syndrome

Описание к видео Cleanse Your Space | Clear Negative Energy + Sick Building Syndrome

#CleanseHome #Negativeenergy #sickbuildingsyndrome

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Cleanse Your Space - Clear Negative Energy & Sick Building Syndrome

40 minute sound healing session to cleanse your space, meditation space, clear your home or indoor environment from negative energy, clear sick building syndrome.

✧ Cleanse Home and Meditation Space
✧ Centred around the perfect fifth: 256hz + 384hz
✧ Clear Negative Energy
✧ Clear Sick Building Syndrome
✧ White Noise and Air Element
✧ 40 Minutes

Building and spaces can hold negative energy from previous occupants or entities, it is important we cleanse our space on a regular basis to rid the structure of any unwanted residual bad energies.

Youtube Streaming Only

Please play this sessions through decent speakers with a good wide range of frequencies. It is recommended to use this session to cleanse your home, space or meditation space on a low to medium volume at least once a week or play during your regular house cleaning schedule. It is important while you play this to open all windows and doors and meditate with positive energy and envisage transformation. Let mother nature in to cleanse and purify you and your surroundings.

My Choice of Headphones for Sound Healing Listening: Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Headphones
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