What is A/B Testing? Marketing and Advertising A/B Tests Explained

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Have you ever ran an A/B test during an Advertising or a Marketing campaign? It can be a great way to improve the performance of your Advertising efforts because you can improve your ad copy, landing pages, targeting, and more. AB Testing is also considered split testing because you are testing 2 variables and variations to see what drives better performance for your business.

A/B Testing Definition: Marketing strategy where you test 2 variations of something to see which variation performs better.

A/B Test Best Practices:

- You need to pick 1 variable (ad copy, targeting, ad images, video ads, landing pages, webpages, etc.) and A/B test that 1 variable.

- A/B testing is the best way to improve your conversion rate and your ROAS.

- You should test multiple ad images and landing pages to get the most out of an Advertising campaign.


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