Metal Slug 3D - All Cutscenes (English Sub/Widescreen Patched)

Описание к видео Metal Slug 3D - All Cutscenes (English Sub/Widescreen Patched)

I found out that there is localized versions of MS3D within the Japan release, thanks to this article here: http://randomhoohaas.flyingomelette.c...

It's a bit glitchy, but it does pay off.
Credits to them and Mr_Beacon00 for the patch discovery and nemesis2000 for the Widescreen patch.

If you would like to try out this patch, check the link above and follow the details there.

If you'd like to see an upload in French/German/Spanish/Italian or the original Japanese subtitles with Widescreen patch, let me know in the comments :flop:


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