Himalayan Lust Ch1 Part 2 | Book By Sadhguru | The Domain of Shiva : Kedarnath - Listen podcast

Описание к видео Himalayan Lust Ch1 Part 2 | Book By Sadhguru | The Domain of Shiva : Kedarnath - Listen podcast

The second set of yogic teachings was expounded to the Sapta Rishis, or the first seven
sages. When we use the word 'yoga', don't think it means twisting your body or holding
your breath or anything like that. We are not talking about a particular exercise or a
technique. We are talking about the very science of creation and how to take this piece of
creation - that is you - to its ultimate possibility.
We are looking at gaining mastery over the fundamental processes of life; the very
process of creation and dissolution. It doesn't matter at what level of evolution a person
is right now; for him also, there is a way. For every being on the planet there is a certain
way. That is the advantage of yoga. This teaching happened on the banks of Kanti
Sarovar. This is where the world's first yoga program happened.
'[Shiva] has been my fifty per cent partner in everything that I do, but still he
overwhelms me.'
For a person who is seeking some kind of spiritual uplift, Kedar is a boon, whose
proportions you cannot imagine. That's how it is, if one is open to this. It's very difficult
to explain to you what it means; after all, it's just a mountain, just an outcrop of rock.
But it's just what the type of people who lived here have done for these thousands of
years, what they have done to the space there, which makes the enormous difference.
we need
Now that we are going up in a large group - as we have for the last few years
to understand this. In the programs that we do, a million times over I have been saying
the same thing, you know: just be with me, just be with me. But for most people, 'what
about the food', 'what about the toilet', 'what's happening here', 'what's happening
there' - that's been the focus. The few moments of just being there have made some
difference, and in so many ways, that's what has brought you here. I would like to say
this once again; you just need to be with this. Without deviating yourself, if you do not
know what it means to 'be' with something, at least keeping your senses focused is a
good way to start being with something. Now, if you are looking at me does not mean
you are being with me, but it's a good way to start. You are not capable of looking away
from me and being with me, so a good way to start is with your senses.
This is a place that has been specially prepared for the sound, 'Shiva'. When we utter the
word 'Shiva', it is the freedom of the uncreated, the liberation of one who is not created.
(Long pause) He has been my fifty per cent partner in everything that I do, but still he...........
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