How to Pick the Best Categories for Your Podcast

Описание к видео How to Pick the Best Categories for Your Podcast

🎙️ Welcome to the YouTube channel, where we provide valuable insights to help you start, grow, and monetize your podcast. In this video, I'll show you how to select the perfect podcast category that will enhance your show's visibility on platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

🔍 Why Choosing the Right Category Matters
When publishing your podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, selecting the appropriate categories is crucial for attracting more listeners. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process of picking the ideal category to ensure your podcast reaches the right audience.

🗂️ Starting with Subcategories
Forget about the main categories for a moment and focus on the subcategories. These subcategories align more closely with the theme of your show and have a significant impact on its discoverability. Let's dive into how this works.

⛷️ Example Scenario: Backcountry Skiing Podcast
Suppose you have a podcast dedicated to backcountry skiing and travel destinations associated with this thrilling activity. Instead of selecting the main category "Sports" and leaving it at that, consider choosing a relevant subcategory for better visibility.

🏔️ Wilderness Subcategory
By selecting the "Wilderness" subcategory, your podcast will automatically be referenced under the "Sports" section. This way, outdoor adventure and wilderness enthusiasts can discover your show more easily.

✈️ Places & Travel Subcategory
Alternatively, you can opt for the "Places & Travel" subcategory, placing your podcast within the broader "Society & Culture" main category. This expands your potential audience, capturing the interest of travel and culture enthusiasts as well.

🔑 Why Subcategories Are Essential
Neglecting to choose a subcategory and solely selecting the main category "Sports" can limit your podcast's exposure. Without the appropriate subcategory, it becomes challenging for new listeners to find your show amid the vast world of sports podcasts. Catering to your super niche audience becomes increasingly difficult without the right categorization.

📋 Selecting Your Category on
If you host your podcast on, here's a simple guide on choosing the perfect category:
1️⃣ Click on "My Podcast" in your account.
2️⃣ Navigate to the "Edit" section.
3️⃣ Scroll down until you reach the "Categories" option.
4️⃣ Select the subcategory that best describes the theme of your podcast.

🔗 Additional Resources and Next Steps
If you need assistance with getting your podcast on Spotify, check out our YouTube video guide with step-by-step instructions on how to add your show to the platform here:    • How to Upload Your Podcast to Spotify...  

🎙️ Ready to start your own podcast? Get started for free today at

#spotifypodcast #applepodcasts #podcasting


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