Paleto Bay LEO: A Case of the Mondays | OCRP LIVE Ep. 5 - GTA V Roleplay

Описание к видео Paleto Bay LEO: A Case of the Mondays | OCRP LIVE Ep. 5 - GTA V Roleplay

Tonight, Josh works his fifth shift as a police officer for Paleto Bay. Will there be chases? Will there be shootouts? What could go wrong?

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Kaitlyn (Aunt Marge):    / @auntmargeyt  
Kim (SilverNyxs Gaming):    / @silvernyxs  
Troy (Troy Baines):    / @troybaines  
Glenn (OddBall1969):    / @vtwestbrook  
Corey - Pro Bro (Epic Eagle Gaming):    / @epiceaglegamingchannel  
Emily (Em G):    / @justemg  
Beau (JStorm05Games):    / @jstorm05games  
Shannon (Shannon H):    / @shannonh_  
Kalob (Ketchup the Ninja):    / @ketchuptheninja  
Andrew (Medic268):    / @medic268  

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livestream - live - stream - RP - OCRP - GTA V - Grand Theft Auto - FiveM - Five M - cops - civilian - 451 - Drew W - GTA RP - NVE



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