Bach Cantata BWV 31- Easter - «Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret» (Ensemble Pygmalion)

Описание к видео Bach Cantata BWV 31- Easter - «Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret» (Ensemble Pygmalion)

Bach Cantata BWV 31 Easter «Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret»
Raphaël Pichon with the Ensemble Pygmalion, France. Year unknown.
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Happy Easter to all: Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, Europeans and everyone else. Христос воскрес! (Yes, I know it’s not Easter yet in Orthodox countries, but it is in the Catholic calendar.)
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Der Himmel lacht! die Erde jubilieret
Und was sie trägt in ihrem Schoß;
Der Schöpfer lebt! der Höchste triumphieret
Und ist von Todesbanden los.
Der sich das Grab zur Ruh erlesen,
Der Heiligste kann nicht verwesen.

The heavens laugh! The earth shouts with joy
and what she bears in her bosom.
The creator lives! God most high triumphs
and is free from the bonds of death.
He who has chosen the grave for rest,
the Holiest, cannot decay.


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