Open Sky Grind

Описание к видео Open Sky Grind

#redneck #countrysongs #westernsongs #carlsong #bycarlsong #song #music #carlsongredneck
On this dusty road (that road)
Calluses where gloves used to be
Workin' land with empty hands, just me
Y'all know
Life's rich, hands are poor, but spirits high
Riding trucks 'neath the open sky
Got an aching back, but I push on through (push on through)
No silver spoon, just a heart that's true (heart that's true)
Blisters are the diary of a workin' man's day
With calluses for chapters, I wouldn't have it any other way
Bare knuckles grip the wheel, driving down the lanes
Living life in the hard lane, fueling up with no disdain
Now the sun's heading down (heading down)
Shadows stretch from the beating plow
In the twilight glow, fields of gold, they bow
I'll rest my bones but take pride somehow
My heart beats in rhythm with the land I claim
Calloused hands are steering, past the edge of the plain
Kick off these boots, they've seen miles and miles
Dust settles down as I wear my tired smiles
Stars up above, guide this humble life
Whispers of ancestors, in the wind's soft strife
Y'all hear
Stories untold with each wrinkle and line


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