Mindset matters

Описание к видео Mindset matters

The skit I’ve enacted is based on a study conducted by AJ Crum in 2011, called: “Mind over Milkshakes”
The specific definition of mindfulness I’ve used is based on the writings of Professor Ellen Langer. I absolutely love her take on it and it’s my favorite way to define this concept.
I hope you find it as meaningful as I did. It spotlights how our judgments about food can make a very visceral and tangible difference in how our hormones behave. Indeed mind over matter.
In today’s world, we need moderation and for moderation, we need to practice mindfulness. It’s the best solution/diet plan/regulator of cravings / healthy lifestyle biohack I know of. Give it a try 🙂
PS: sorry for the clickbait. 🤷🏻‍♀️
#mindset #moderation


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