Only God Can Judge Me | Abdur-Raheem Green

Описание к видео Only God Can Judge Me | Abdur-Raheem Green

The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.” Please donate now & help us establish a Norwegian Masjid & Dawah center:

You will get the reward of all those who are:

✅ Praying in the Masjid and worshipping Allah.
✅ Converting to Islam.
✅ Coming closer to Allah.
✅ Learning the Noble Quran and becoming Hafidhs of the Book of Allah.
✅ Brought up with Islamic education from childhood.
✅ Learning Arabic, the language of the Quran.
✅ Studying the religion of Allah and becoming Imams and leaders in our community.
✅ Learning Dawah and calling people to Islam.

➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ ⬅️

This Masjid & Dawah center will in sha Allah help young Muslims renew their love for Islam. It will have youth programs, Quran classes, Islamic education, and so much more to elevate the message of Islam in the country of Norway. Will you be so kind and help us?

The Prophet ﷺ said about the house in Jannah: “(In it are) Bricks of gold and silver, mortar of fragrant musk, pebbles of pearl and sapphire, and soil of saffron. Whoever enters it is filled with joy and will never feel miserable; he will live there forever and will never die; their clothes will never wear out and their youth will never fade.” (Musnad Ahmed)

Would you not like to get such a house for just donating a small amount in the way of Allah?

➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ ⬅️


Tupac is regarded by many as a legend in the hip-hop world. One of his most famous songs is called ''Only God Can Judge Me''. This song's title became a slogan to justify breaking society’s and God’s laws. This phrase has become a hallmark to continue to sin and avoid someone to confront you with it. Is there any truth to Tupac’s slogan? Is it true that only God can judge you? Listen to this very deep analysis of Tupac’s lyrics by Abdur-Raheem Green.

Tupac ansees av mange som en legende i hip-hop verdenen. En av de mest kjente sangene hans het ’’Only God Can Judge Me’’. Denne sangens tittel ble et slagord for å rettferdiggjøre å bryte samfunnets og Guds lover. Denne frasen har blitt et kjennemerke for å fortsette å synde og unngå at noen skal konfrontere deg med det. Er det noe sannhet i Tupacs slagord? Er det sant at det kun er Gud som kan dømme deg? Hør på denne svært dype analysen av Tupacs lyrikker av Abdur-Raheem Green.
(Norsk) #IslamNet #IslamQAV #Islam


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