King of the Creek Rats: a portrait of the Twin Pools community in the 1970s and 80s

Описание к видео King of the Creek Rats: a portrait of the Twin Pools community in the 1970s and 80s

One of six short documentaries on the history, sub-communities, stories, and characters of Topanga Canyon by Anastasia Fite.

'Boobie,' the self-proclaimed 'King of the Creek Rats' of Topanga Canyon, and Ronald Mc Donald take us on a tour through the Twin Pools area of Topanga, in the creek below the S-curves, where a thriving indigent population has lived for decades. During the 1970s and 1980 there would be approximately 200 runaways any given weekend, cops were scared to go down there for rumors of cannibalism, and the locals built palaces from salvaged parts of cars that had careened off of Topanga Canyon Blvd.


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