DQ St. John island overnight fishing / Eging

Описание к видео DQ St. John island overnight fishing / Eging

Its been awhile since we fish in St. John’s island . Few of us decided to make a overnight trip. Weather was good but fishing wasn’t.
But we still managed to land a few squid. Most importantly, we enjoyed each other’s company.

-An avid fisherman who enjoy the game of Ajing and Eging.

-Field staff of Light Salt Game Singapore -   / lightsaltgame  

-Follow me on Instagram for more fishing photos -   / _____dixonic_q_____  

-Be my friend on Facebook -   / dixon.quek  

#dixonicq #lightsaltgame
#fishing life #fishingmagazine
#thirty34four #fishing
#釣り #釣果
#アジ #いか


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